the way I see it

Friday, October 15, 2004

a road trip

that's right. you read that correctly. a road trip in itself is bad enough with a 1 and 3 year old. and it's not even a big trip. it's 30 mintues. the stuff that goes into a 30 minute car ride is insane. the toys, the snacks, the extra clothes and diapers. my purse, my husbands wallet and his glasses. he always forgets his glasses. for the love of god can you not remember to bring anything????

and to make it oh so much more enjoyable - we'll be travelling to my mother in laws house. good times. I've already told my husband to rest up because once he gets there, there will be tvs to fix, light bulbs to change, leaking faucets to stop and I'm not exagerating ... shingles to affix. I don't think she needs a visit from her son, she needs a handyman. A live in handyman who doesn't have a gut the size of a 9 month pregnant woman. One who isn't out of breath because of said gut after taking only 3 steps. I'm not trying to be mean. Really. I'm not. But for the love of pete can we just visit? We'll give you money for the darn handyman. You know? It's not even that my husband minds doing these things for his mother. He does it every single time with no complaints. But she beats around the bush about this stuff and it just drives me inSANE. INSANE people. She will make you feel guilty and never really say what she needs. She will say...."my hip is so sore. your brother never comes to visit. he said he'd change that light bulb for me last week, but I guess we'll just stumble around in the dark until he comes back next month" FOR CRYING OUT LOUD JUST SAY "would you mind reaching up to that light for me?"

Oh happy times.


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