the do-it-yourself-home-hair-dying-fun post.
so, yeah. we are currently 15:36 into the 25:00 minutes this is gonna take. I've heard all the horror stories of home hair dying and it turning out purple or orange or whatever, but I don't have that problem. Apparently I've got stubborn mousy dark brown hair because no matter the colour, the brand, the time I always end up with the same boring colour. I suppose I should consider myself lucky because really, who wants purple or orange hair??? I just want something a little different! Lighter maybe! You think?
Who thinks I've just jinxed myself here? eeeeekkk!
ok, that was close. Like, so close I'm feeling a little bit shakey now just thinking of what could have happened! orangeness! I DID curse myself! If Denice hadn't said, wait - woah, what are you using?! I would have left it on 45 minutes instead of the recommended 25. As it was I left it on for 35 minutes. Scary Scary stuff, I'm telling you.
This is how it turned out....

Looks like a beautiful red to me...
it is a beautiful red and looks so lovely on you but if you'd gone longer - wouldnt have been such a happy ending.
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